Thursday 12 December 2013

My time in room 7 2013

Breanna 2013
This video has got all my favourite moments and all the best time I have had in my last year at Te Pahu school. I am sad to be leaving and I am going to miss being the oldest in the school.  My favourite time this year was the snow trip and all the awesome wipe outs I had, I also really enjoyed camp Karapiro and the biscuiting on lake. I am really going to miss little old Te Pahu;(

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Creative Writing

My gut is churning with butterflies. I am on the front line and ready to fight.” I was an honour fighting with you,” the captain said with a pound tone in his voice. I muttered to myself,” I wish I could be as brave as he is.”
 “GO!” he yelled at us. I was quite reluctant to walk forward but then it hit me I was fighting for my country. I ran Terrified what my happen to me into the loud gun fire. I felt quite proud to be in this war and I was determined to come back alive.
 All I could see was the shadows of my fellow team mates or what I thought was them some dead and some alive quietly saying to me as I ran “Help me Matthew help me,” I couldn't just leave them there.” I picked up two solders at a time and brought them back to the medic’s not even wanting to look at the horrid gunshot wounds they had. I ran proudly back in to the smoky mist and then I saw the captain lying motionless. My eyes were starting to well up with tears, when he quietly whispered to me I'm okay I've just been shot in the leg. He then said lay down some ones coming, so I did as he said as he is my captain. I lay down motionless trying not to breathe loudly. I see one of the German soldiers walking silently past.


We had just started swimming again. I am really enjoying swimming. The pool has been really warm and it is really nice because it refreshes us before a hot day.

Mini Inquiry day

On Wednesday room 7 had a mini inquiry day were we had to create a presentation on our topic 'Energy'. This is my one.

Tuesday 19 November 2013


We have been learning about in class. We had to buddie up and write a sentace with personification in it. These are some of the sentances I wrote. I stood still welcoming in the bright sun onto it's spindly new spring shoots. The Ill coloured moss was clinging to it's chunky trunk. The brittle abandoned mailbox stood swallowed by the curious vines.

Monday 18 November 2013

Melted Crayon Art

This term room 7 have been creating melted crayon art for the fete. We all had to make a plan off what we wanted our art to look like and pick a canvas size that we thought would work for our design. My design was a wild horse running silhouette with a sunset made by the crayons melting. I got the canvas I needed. We had to choose whether we wanted to have the crayons papers on or not. I was the only one the took the papers off. We had an option of using a heat gun or a hair dryer. I liked the effect of the heat gun I used that. I am really proud of my art and I am glad that the crayons didn't fall off like some. I love my art work and I can't wait to put it up on my wall.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Energy and Sound

This term our topic is energy. We have been learning about the forms of energy and the conservation of energy. conservation of energy is when cannot be destroyed or created but can change its form. for example potential to kinetic energy. We have also been learning about sound, how it travels and pitch of sound. We found out that sound travels better through solids and liquids than in air. We did some experiments to help us understand like tying string around a spoon or knife and them wrapped the string around our fingers, put it in our ears and them hit it against the desks. It sounded like wind charms hitting together.

We also put a speaker into black rubbish bag and but liquids on the bag and them put some music through the speakers. this experiment helps us understand that sound travels through vibrations. We learnt that sound travels at 332 metres per second through air and light can go around the world seven times in one second. We did a experiment were we stood at one end of the field and Mr M stood at the other end, he clapped some wooden blocks together and we had to observe and see if we could see the blocks clapped together before we could hear the noise. This experiment proves that sound takes a while to reach your ears.

I wonder how radio waves are different to sound waves. Some interesting things we found out was that thunder and lightning happen at the same time but light travels faster than sound and a sonic boom happens when something goes faster than the speed of sound.